I have been neglecting my rants, ramblings, and peek into our life as of late. Its already February and I have a lingering sickness. It knocked me out over our long holiday weekend and then some. I'm still feeling the affects a week later.

Beth and I headed to Taupo this past weekend so I could do the course. I did more than a single lap of the bike as I missed the turn and ended up on State Highway 1 south of where I was supposed to be. The ride has an ascent and descent right out of town, but its pretty flat to Reporoa. I hope they get the section of gravel repaired before the race, but I don't think that is going to happen. Then again if they do it will probably me large chip over the tar which is almost as bad. I saw plenty of riders heading back into Taupo as I was heading out and passed only 3 people on my way to Reporoa. On the way back there was a horrible headwind most of the way and I flatted shortly after the section of gravel. I made a quick swap and was back on my way. The ride took a little longer than expected with the deviations on the course and the flat, but Beth was waiting for me a the hostel where I quickly changed and we went out for a run. I did one lap of the run course and I hurt. My quads cramped. I got dehydrated. I dry wretched. I finished it. Sat in the sauna and stretched a bit before heading out for some much needed food. I had half a chicken with veggies, naan, and a samosa. The next morning I was out of the room at 6:30 for a 10 mile run. I did over a single lap and I felt amazing. It just goes to show that you have to pay attention to your fluids and nutrition. I did try some new things the day before which helped on the ride, but I had nothing on the run and it was a warm one and I went through my 24oz of water pretty fast. I probably should have had a bottle while I was changing. So for the nutrition I tried baby food. I've had some problems keeping gels and bananas down in previous races so I'm trying to switch it up to find something that works. So I had some apple yogurt smoothie and an apple blueberry porridge. Both come in squeeze tubes and sat fairly well. I also drank a mixture of coconut water and cranberry juice for potassium. This complimented my water.
Race is less than a month away so I've dropped my bike off at the shop for a service and I'll be starting to scale back on the training. Which has been disrupted moving to Auckland. I've had to work out of the country for a week, visitors for 2, sick for more than one. However, I've still got in some good workouts, just not the frequency I would have liked. While in Taupo I ran into some of the guys from Thames out doing the course as well. It was a bit of a surprise to be recognized or recognize someone in a different city. However I saw both Paulie and Gavin do the run course.
My dad is coming out again and will be on hand to watch the race. I hope we get to do some cool things while he is in town. Beth and I have been hitting up various night markets as well as the local neighborhoods. I have been finding new ways home from work and have found some interesting trails while on my bike or by foot. I'm not as good as I am at navigating the back streets like Minneapolis, but I had many years of practice. I'm sure if we make Auckland home for several years I'll become even more familiar with her hills. There is a crazy amount of elevation change hence why Beth says she has quite biking. I have a short windy hill to ride up each morning on my way to work. Nothing like starting your day with your legs burning.