The first evening back, I was sent an email from a recruiter I had been working with on the job in Thames saying that I was offered the position. This wasn't entirely unexpected, but they wanted me to start right away. I was able to get a starting date of Feb 11, which meant my trip to the States was going to be really abbreviated and some of the things I was planning on doing were going to get tossed out the window.
So I'll be working for the Thames-Coromandel District Council doing SSRS Reporting. The town of Thames is roughly 90 minutes from where I was living and at the entrance to the Coromandel Peninsula, a local summer hot spot. On one side is the Firth of Thames (a bay) and on the other is the Coromandel Forest Park with some elevation to play in. There is supposedly 60+ miles of trails back there and will probably account for a lot of my time. There is also the Hauraki Rail Trail that my dad and I did in December to be ridden. I want to explore more of the Gorge.
Our expression of interest in the skilled labor visa was accepted and now we are working on the next part of the application. So that allows both of us to live and work here for a couple years. After that we are looking to apply for permanent resident status. Well it is time to make some new friends, find a new place to live, and a car.
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