Part of my work uniform. Mike they would probably let me "wolverine" my hair as well. |
Last night was my first day of "work" in just under 2 months. Well lets back up a couple days. I got a phone call on Monday about an application I submitted on Friday to schedule an interview for Tuesday. The interview was very short and informal. She liked my cover letter as it high lighted my love of being outdoors and wasn't generic I want a job. I was offered a part-time job after about 10 minutes or so. For those that didn't click the link in the previous post,
"Cool Bananas", go read it. The store is similar to REI. I'll be trying not to spend my checks on outdoor gear for Beth and I. There is tons of merino wool and some slick packs. The cool thing is the macpac line is all designed here in NZ and up until a couple of years ago constructed here as well. If you want more history of the company check out their site:
Ready to roll the bones. |
My co-workers so far are Alice, Sara, Michelle, Jesse, and Jolene (manager). All seem like cool, laid back folk. For a couple hours, Cam (product rep) went over the new products the store has gotten in. Some of the products aren't necessarily new, but new to the NZ market. I didn't get a Jetboil, but I did get a handful of GU and GU Chomps. While we were listening, we were treated to some awesome Hell Pizza. Here is the
Hell Pizza Menu. The Pizza Roulette slogan is: It doesn't cost. But someone pays. Here is a video of it! "
I need some more fluid." Basically they put on 2 drops of the hottest pepper sauce on a single slice and its up to you to find out which one. Would be a fun prank when catering a large amount of pizzas say for a work function. My favorite last night was the salmon pizza with cream cheese and avocado. Tonight they are having a dinner at a Chinese place in Tauranga, so Beth and I will most likely attend. We have to get some lights for Beth's bike though. I start my official training tomorrow. Now its time to go outside and enjoy the sun, surf, beach, and other things we moved here for, the Pies!!!
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