Thursday, April 12, 2012

Not a hostel...A gnarly cottage.

So we opted out of staying in a hostel while we searched for a place to live in Tauranga.  We are looking to rent a furnished place or be flatmates with some understanding individuals.  Beth will be working early to accommodate the US time.  Its like putting in a half day in the office with her as she'll work the afternoon and after people go home.

We got this nice 1 bedroom cottage with a gnarly backyard.  When entering the living room there were two nice and ripe avocados on the dinning table.  I ate one for breakfast and it was probably the best one I can remember eating and I eat them a lot.  If I had an oven and eggs, I would bake the eggs in the seed pit.  Even better than getting only two of these bad boys, the owners said if I find them on the ground in the backyard I can eat them.  The owners have quite the green thumb going on.  I'm sure they could put on a clinic in landscape design.  For instance, you get to gaze upon this and while listening to the birds chirp. 

 In the backyard, there is a chicken coop with a few chickens, a peacock pen with 7 of them, a koi pond with my sushi, a man cave for late night reading, a hot tub for relaxing, a couple of love seats, a few benches, a few raised platforms for getting up, a lot of produce from gardens, the beginnings of an orchard, and a lot of love.  They must spend a lot of time out here and if I lived here I know I would as well.  Its at the end of a secluded cul de sac and then down a long drive way.  Without GPS, I don't think we would have found it.

For all the images of the backyard follow me: Gnarly Tauranga Cottage

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